Saturday, September 19, 2009

More recipe pages

Some of you have been asking if I’ve dropped off the face of the earth, and of course, the answer is “no”!  My blogging has been non-existent lately, and for that I apologize. 

The kids are back to school and fall is in the air, so I thought I’d take a moment to show the last four pages of the recipe book pages that we did in class last month.  Tomorrow I’ll show you the cards we did in my brayer class and I must say, I’m proud of what I came up with and equally proud of all the ladies who have mastered the brayering technique!  So watch for those pictures tomorrow…

Here are the recipe pages, (without recipes when I took the pictures).

Sept 09 009

Sept 09 010

Sept 09 011

Sept 09 012

This last one with the raccoon is my favorite.  Isn’t he so cute?

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