Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Jumping with joy...

I'm doing the happy dance since UPS dropped off the new Spring/Summer '09 catalogs....and I must say that I'm in serious trouble! This has got to be my favorite catalog in a long time and my wish list continues to grow.

If you'd like a copy of the catalog, feel free to stop by my studio and pick one up. They're just $7 which is cheaper than most of my favorite crafting magazines on the stands. What a deal!

Before the catalogs arrived I was working on the Mother/Daughter Valentine cards for the class next Saturday. I had prepped 5 cards and took pictures to show you, then discovered that my computer wouldn't read my camera. We'd been having trouble with the wireless mouse and thought the problem was with it, but apparently it's the computer's USB ports at fault. Soooo, no pictures until I call for tech help tomorrow.

So for now I'll just say "ta-ta", I'm off to drool over my new catalog. Happy stamping everyone!

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