Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Almost Christmas

I'm still trying to figure out how to blog so bear with me! Today I made my DH some Christmas fudge, both chocolate and chocolate/peanut butter. He could care less about the cookies, but don't forget the fudge! Micah and I made our traditional cookie press cookies on Saturday, using my grandmother's recipe and he did all the sprinkles. After the second batch he was growing weary (it's a tough job but someone's gotta do it!) and asked "how many more are you going to make?". I told him I could finish up if he was tired of sprinkling, and he gladly accepted. He was more than willing to sample the broken cookies, which are the only ones that don't have calories (wink, wink), so I had to sample a few too!

So this afternoon I went to lunch with a friend at Red Robin's and boy was the restaurant packed and NOISY! Not to mention the traffic getting there and back. I'll happily stay home and avoid the rat race. No more shopping for me...except to get some potatoes since the grocery store was sold out yesterday. Gotta have mashed potatoes with our Christmas dinner.

I've been finding some personal stamping time the past two days and will post some pictures for you. The new Love You Much Bundle promotion started today so I'm trying to get some samples made so that you'll see what a great bundle it is. It includes an adorable stamp set, designer paper and a triple-heart punch.

I hope you are ready for Christmas and that your friends and family are near and able to celebrate with you. We will experience our first Christmas without our DS who is in the Marines and stationed in North Carolina. Thank goodness for cell phones and email! It'll make the separation a little bit easier I suppose.


Marie said...

Krista your cards are adorable. I love the fact that you're going to have a blog.

I know you have such great ideas and are really creative, so I look forward to your postings!

Teresa Kline said...

congrats on the new blog plunge....it is alot of fun and you can learn so much! I luv these two cards, I can't wait to get my hands on the new stamps....yeah! Merry Christmas to you and your family! I would luv for you to check out my blog, too! *~*

*Sally* said...

These are lovely!
Glad you joined us in the blogging arean :D

Merry Christmas!

Jacquel said...

Cute cards...love how you used the new ss!! excellent work!!!

Epistolaonline said...

Hi, merry christmas. I am living in Cape Vert islands and I have a blog: www.epistolaonline.blogspot.com
My name is Jose Heleno
God bless you

bsgstamps4fun: Barb Gault said...

Sweet cards, so glad to meet you on this thread. I have only been blogging for a few months and have made so many nice friends. You will get the hang of it and then adding pics etc. will be so easy.

Enjoy your Christmas with your family.

Susan (peebsmama) said...

Your cards are super cute!

Pat (mspfd) said...

Awesome blog! Welcome to blogging. Love your cards.

Ginny said...

great cards and good luck with the blog, your off to a great start :0)