Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Aebleskiver Dinner

Over the weekend we had our family's annual aebleskiver dinner at my parents house. Don't know what an aebleskiver is? Well, it's a Danish ball-shaped pancake, and the kids all have a yearly contest to see who can eat the most. There's no trophy, just bragging rights for a year! This years winner is my 19 yr. old nephew Adam who wolfed down 40 aebleskivers, followed by my 16 yr. old son Kyle who managed to eat 34. WHEW!!! My mom, sister & I all have the special aebleskiver pan, and we slaved over a hot stove for atleast 2 hours. Here are some pictures showing my sister and my niece taking their turn at the stove. We use crochet hooks or nut picks to turn the aebleskivers as they cook. We put out all kinds of toppings/dips such as honey, powdered sugar, brown sugar, jellies, cinnamon sugar, applesauce, syrup, & peanut butter and then eat away! Is your mouth watering yet?


Unknown said...

Hi Krista! These look delicious. Are you going to make them at our next Monday night stamp class??

Krista said...

Only if you offer to stand over a hot stove and help!