Sunday, February 8, 2009

Coming along...

What would life be like without a computer at hand? That is what I'm experiencing right now, as I sit at a friend's house giving this update. My laptop died a few weeks ago and is being replaced by the warranty company and then last Friday I got up at 5:30 a.m. for my coffee and computer time on the ancient old family 'puter, and the thing told me it couldn't start Windows. Black computer screens with white type are generally a bad sign. So now that computer is in the shop, fixable and receiving some extra memory. I hope to have it up and operational by Monday evening so my 15 yr. old will quit moaning and groaning about it.

I've gotten lots of stamping done whilst not having a computer, and the sample for the Coffee Filter Brag Book Class is coming along nicely. I should be able to post pictures very soon. If you have kids, grandkids, or are expecting grandkids someday, you'll want to have your own copy of this cute brag book. I've still got a few spots available both on the 20th (Friday) and the 28th (Saturday), so if you think you might be interested, sign up! If you see the sample and decide it's not for you, just let me know and I'll remove your name.

Hang in there and don't give up on my blog...I promise lots of pics as soon as my new laptop arrives!

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